Working with Old City Kitchen as a Chef
Old City Kitchen is always looking to work with chefs, bakers, and makers! Bring us your ideas and we can work together to create amazing events for our clients…
You can find our list of equipment and supplies on our “Rental” page. We strive to work together with chef in a fair and positive environment. We want you to feel valued and appreciated.
We provide the following:
– EVENT MARKETING – We have a growing group of followers on our mailing list (nearly 3,000), Facebook (on both our page and in our private group “Old City Kitchen Community”) and Instagram (over 7,000 followers) to ensure we reach customers who are craving these experiences.
– PROMOTION – Old City Kitchen doesn’t just market our own events, we promote and feature you. Every chef, baker, or maker we work with is included on our site with a full bio, headshot and photos of your creations. You and your business will be tagged and included in all of our social media posts.
– TICKETING – We work with a ticketing agency (click to see current classes & events) to ensure you will be informed of the total number of guests prior to your event. No surprises or last minute cancellations.
– BEAUTIFUL OLD CITY VENUE – We have spent four months renovating the space to ensure you have everything you need, and guests will have an experience to remember.
– WE COVER FOOD COSTS & FAIR COMPENSATION – Old City Kitchen will work with you to create a budget per guest. We will discuss all expenses & ticket prices transparently so you can be confident in your payment.
– WE WORK WITH YOU – An Old City Kitchen team member will always be on-site to provide assistance, help with setting up the space, and assist with clean up. We want you AND our guests to have the best experience possible.
Please fill out the form below and provide as much detail as you like on how you would like to work with Old City Kitchen.

Contact Us Today for Options...
We can craft the perfect event to engage and entertain your group.
Feel free to contact Laura at 215-871-9270 or email us at info@oldcitykitchen.com for rates and information.
Click here for our current dinners and classes...